FILE 8925.1

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File of Files entry

NUMBER: 8925.1                          NAME: TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION
 DESCRIPTION:   This file stores Document Definitions, which identify and
 define behavior for documents stored in the TIU DOCUMENTS FILE (#8925).  For
 consistency with the V-file schema, it may be viewed as the "Attribute
 Dictionary" for the Text Integration Utilities.

 It also stores Objects, which can be embedded in a Document Definition's
 Boilerplate Text (Overprint). Objects contain M code which gets a piece of
 data and inserts it in the document's Boilerplate Text when a document is

 Warning: objects embedded in boilerplate text are looked up by multiple index
 (i.e. DIC(0) contains 'M'). Current code (see routine CHECK^TIUFLF3) checks
 all present indexes to make sure object names, abbreviations and print names
 are not ambiguous for this lookup. If new indexes are added, this code MUST BE
 UPDATED to check the new index as well.

 Some entries in this file are developed Nationally and exported across the
 country.  Others are created by local sites.  Entries in the first category
 are marked National Standard and are not editable by sites.

 This file does NOT allow multiple entries OF THE SAME TYPE with the same name.
 That is, within a given Type, there are no duplicate names. (This refers to
 the .01 field, the Technical name of the entry.)

 This file does not allow a parent to have items with the same name, even if
 the items have different internal file numbers (i.e. are different file
 entries).  Again, this refers to the .01 Technical name of the entry.

 Because of ownership considerations, the file does NOT allow an entry to be an
 item under more than 1 parent.  If the same item is desired under more than 1
 parent, the item must be copied into a new entry.  There is one exception:
 Document Definitions of Type Component which have been marked Shared may have
 more than one parent.

 The Document Definition Utility TIUF categorizes certain fields as Basic,
 Technical, or Upload, and displays these fields together as a group when user
 edits or views a Document Definition. BASIC fields include Name, Abbreviation,
 Print Name, Type, Personal Owner, Class Owner, Status, In Use, Shared, Orphan,
 Has Boiltxt, National Standard, OK to Distribute, and Suppress Visit
 Selection. TECHNICAL fields include Entry Action, Exit Action, Edit Template,
 Print Method, Print Form Header, Print Form Number, Print Group, Allow Custom
 Form Headers, Visit Linkage Method, Validation Method, and Object Method.
 UPLOAD fields include Upload Target File, Laygo Allowed, Target Text Field
 Subscript, Upload Look-up Method, Upload Post-Filing Code, Upload Filing Error
 Code, and multiples Upload Captioned ASCII Header and Upload Delimited ASCII

 The Document Definition file contains extensive, detailed field descriptions.
 Likewise, some protocols (File 101) used in TIU have extensive and careful
 descriptions in the Protocol file. Many of these descriptions are used in TIU
 for online help. If it becomes necessary for a national programmer to edit
 these descriptions, the programmer should check to make sure all online help
 is still displayed properly.

 Users are expected to use the Document Definition Utility TIUF to enter, edit,
 and delete file entries.  In fact, the file prohibits the deletion of entries
 through generic Fileman Options.  It also prohibits the edit through generic
 Fileman of a few critical fields: Type, Status, Shared, and National Standard.
 Adding and Deleting (but not editing) Items is also prohibited through generic
 Fileman options.  Abbreviation and Print Name of OBJECTS cannot be edited
 through generic Fileman Options.

 This does NOT imply that it is SAFE to use generic Fileman to edit other
 fields.  Users are cautioned that edit through generic Fileman bypasses many
 safeguards built in to the Document Definition Utility and can create havoc
 unless the user THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDS the File and its uses.

 If users find needs which are not met through TIUF, please communicate them to
 the TIU development team.


 WARNING: Using generic Fileman options to edit entries can cause SERIOUS
 database problems.

  GLOBAL NAME (c): ^TIU(8925.1,         ENTRIES (c): 861
  DD ACCESS (c): @                      RD ACCESS (c): @
  WR ACCESS (c): @                      DEL ACCESS (c): @
  AUDIT ACCESS (c): @                   VERSION (c): 1.1