File list

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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:33, 6 August 2020 CPRS WSAECONNREFUSED.png (file) 6 KB   1
09:32, 6 August 2020 CPRS WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL.png (file) 9 KB   1
09:31, 6 August 2020 CPRS WSAECONNRESET.png (file) 9 KB   1
09:30, 6 August 2020 CPRS Version Mismatch.png (file) 14 KB   1
03:51, 17 June 2020 XG-RTN.TXT (file) 418 KB   1
02:44, 4 March 2020 CPRS Error - Element Not Found.PNG (file) 38 KB   1
02:43, 4 March 2020 CPRS Error - Access Violation.PNG (file) 10 KB   1
19:07, 20 September 2019 Hl71 6p109sp.doc (file) 287 KB Document re VistA HL7 Event Monitor 1
17:46, 2 August 2019 OSCON 2010 Introduction to Open Source VistA EHR Presentation.pdf (file) 1.66 MB   1
17:27, 2 August 2019 Andy oram s.jpg (file) 3 KB   1
17:22, 2 August 2019 Oscon-healthit-code.png (file) 35 KB   1
15:54, 1 July 2019 Mumps 1995 err book.pdf (file) 218 KB   1
18:03, 5 June 2019 OOjs UI icon notice-warning.svg (file) 258 bytes   1
17:10, 5 June 2019 OOjs UI icon book-ltr.svg (file) 359 bytes   1
15:45, 5 June 2019 Test Template Info-Icon - Version (2).svg (file) 8 KB   1
15:37, 5 June 2019 OOjs UI icon information-progressive.svg (file) 266 bytes from media wiki 1
14:14, 5 June 2019 Transclusion-multiple-twit.png (file) 26 KB   1
14:10, 5 June 2019 Transclusion-simple.png (file) 10 KB   1
14:04, 5 June 2019 Merge-arrow 2.svg (file) 8 KB   1
15:38, 17 May 2018 Latest SACC.pdf (file) 172 KB   1
17:38, 7 June 2017 List manager developer.pdf (file) 317 KB ListMan API 1
19:29, 27 October 2016 Zebra-P1012728-004-en.pdf (file) 6.59 MB   1
14:07, 26 June 2015 BROWSER-SERVER Communicationsjpg.jpg (file) 126 KB A diagram showing the communications (http/https) protocol between a server and a client browser 2
15:56, 16 March 2012 RPC-Broker-Login-Window.PNG (file) 20 KB Example of RPC-Broker Window asking for Access Code and Verify Code 1
23:01, 3 February 2012 VistA Onion Skin.png (file) 158 KB Diagram of layers of abstraction provided by a VistA system. 1
18:41, 28 March 2011 View-Information-Menu.PNG (file) 7 KB View Information Menu Item 1
18:40, 28 March 2011 Template Icons.PNG (file) 14 KB Template Icons 1
18:38, 28 March 2011 Surgery Icons.PNG (file) 9 KB Surgery Tab 1
18:36, 28 March 2011 Available Reminders Menu.PNG (file) 5 KB Available Reminders Menu 1
18:35, 28 March 2011 Consuts Icons.PNG (file) 12 KB Consults Tab 1
18:34, 28 March 2011 Reminders Icons.PNG (file) 10 KB Reminders Tab Icons 1
18:33, 28 March 2011 Notes Icons.PNG (file) 10 KB Notes Icons 1
19:34, 10 February 2011 FMDC Object Hierarchy .png (file) 19 KB from FILEMAN DELPHI COMPONENTS GETTING STARTED GUIDE - public domain from VA 1
18:08, 10 February 2011 VistA Logo.png (file) 12 KB VistA Logo 1
21:55, 10 December 2010 TestProcedureOverview v1.pdf (file) 64 KB TestProcedureOverview_v1.pdf 1
00:31, 9 December 2010 170.304.j CalcSubmitClinQualityMeasures v1.1.pdf (file) 149 KB 170.304.j_CalcSubmitClinQualityMeasures_v1.1.pdf 1
00:30, 9 December 2010 170.304.j CalcSubmitClinQualityMeasures v1.0.pdf (file) 327 KB 170.304.j_CalcSubmitClinQualityMeasures_v1.0.pdf 1
00:28, 9 December 2010 170.304.i ExchangeClinicalinfoPatientSummaryRecordAmb v1.1.pdf (file) 132 KB 170.304.i_ExchangeClinicalinfoPatientSummaryRecordAmb_v1.1.pdf 1
00:26, 9 December 2010 170.304.i ExchangeClinicalinforPatientSummaryRecordAmb v1.0.pdf (file) 436 KB 170.304.i_ExchangeClinicalinforPatientSummaryRecordAmb_v1.0.pdf 1
00:26, 9 December 2010 170.304.i ExchangeClinicalInfoPtSum Errata.pdf (file) 214 KB 170.304.i_ExchangeClinicalInfoPtSum_Errata.pdf 1
00:23, 9 December 2010 170.304.h ClinicalSummaries v1.1.pdf (file) 119 KB 170.304.h_ClinicalSummaries_v1.1.pdf 1
00:23, 9 December 2010 170.304.h ClinicalSummaries v1.0.pdf (file) 448 KB 170.304.h_ClinicalSummaries_v1.0.pdf 2
00:22, 9 December 2010 170.304.h ClinicalSummaries Errata.pdf (file) 137 KB 170.304.h_ClinicalSummaries_Errata.pdf 1
00:21, 9 December 2010 170.304.g TimelyAccess v1.1.pdf (file) 56 KB 170.304.g_TimelyAccess_v1.1.pdf 1
00:20, 9 December 2010 170.304.f ElectronicCopyOfHealthInformation v1.1.pdf (file) 165 KB 170.304.f_ElectronicCopyOfHealthInformation_v1.1.pdf 1
00:19, 9 December 2010 170.304.f ElectronicCopyOfHealthInformation v1.0.pdf (file) 419 KB 170.304.f_ElectronicCopyOfHealthInformation_v1.0.pdf 1
00:18, 9 December 2010 170.304.f ElecCopyofHealthInfo Errata.pdf (file) 138 KB 170.304.f_ElecCopyofHealthInfo_Errata.pdf 1
00:17, 9 December 2010 170.304.e ClinicalDecisionSupportAmb v1.1.pdf (file) 64 KB 170.304.e_ClinicalDecisionSupportAmb_v1.1.pdf 1
00:16, 9 December 2010 170.304.e ClinicalDecisionSupportAmb v1.0.pdf (file) 230 KB 170.304.e_ClinicalDecisionSupportAmb_v1.0.pdf 1
00:15, 9 December 2010 170.304.d GeneratePatientReminders v1.1.pdf (file) 58 KB 170.304.d_GeneratePatientReminders_v1.1.pdf 1
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