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[[Category:Pharm: Controlled Substances]]
[[Category:Pharm: Controlled Substances]]
; Master Vault 
: An inventory location created to store a select group of controlled substances and track their balance and activity.
Source: '''Drug Accountability/Inventory Interface V. 3.0 Technical Manual/Security Guide'''
[[Category:Pharm: Drug Accountability]]

Latest revision as of 00:04, 14 April 2006

Master Vault
An inventory location created to store a select group of controlled substances and track their balance and activity.

Source: Pharmacy Benefits Management V. 4.0 User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Master Vault
An NAOU set up as your primary dispensing site.

Source: Controlled Substances V. 3.0 Inspector’s User Manual

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library

Master Vault
An inventory location created to store a select group of controlled substances and track their balance and activity.

Source: Drug Accountability/Inventory Interface V. 3.0 Technical Manual/Security Guide

This is a Glossary term from the VistA Documentation Library