RPC HELP M Entry In RP File: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 11:15, 6 July 2015

RPC Entry in the Remote Procedure File After the M code is complete, you need to add the RPC to the REMOTE PROCEDURE file (#8994). The following fields in the REMOTE PROCEDURE file (#8994) are key to the correct operation of an RPC:

Field Name



NAME (#.01)


The name that identifies the RPC (this entry should be namespaced in the package namespace).

TAG (#.02)


The tag at which the remote procedure call begins.

ROUTINE (#.03)


The name of the routine that should be invoked to start the RPC.



Affects GLOBAL ARRAY and WORD PROCESSING return value types only. If set to False, all data values are returned in a single concatenated string in Results[0]. If set to True, each array node on the M side is returned as a distinct array item in Results.



This can be one of five types: SINGLE VALUE, ARRAY, WORD PROCESSING, GLOBAL ARRAY, GLOBAL INSTANCE. This setting controls how the Broker processes an RPC's return parameter.

Caption Here
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Row 1, Col 1 Row 1, Col 2 Row 1, Col 3
Row 2, Col 1 Row 2, Col 2 Row 2, Col 3
Row 3, Cols 1-2 Row 3, Col 3