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'''← [[OpenVistA Wiki: Template]]s'''

These templates are notice blocks that may be included in articles for the purpose of informing users of the article's status.
==Problems with articles==
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{| class="grey"
! Name
! Current Text
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:constedits|constedits]]}}
| {{constedits}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:copyvio|copyvio]]}}
| {{copyvio}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:copyvio1|copyvio1]]}}
| {{copyvio1}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:copyvio2|copyvio2]]}}
| {{copyvio2}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:copyvioimage|copyvioimage]]}}
| {{copyvioimage}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:deletion|deletion]]}}
| <div class="notice">''This page has been listed as [[OpenVistA Wiki:Deletion policy|a candidate for deletion]]. In the normal day to day operations of OpenVistA Wiki, some pages are deleted. Please go to the [[OpenVistA Wiki:Votes for deletion|Votes for Deletion]] page to discuss whether this page should be deleted.''</div>
This comment was added by:
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:deletionimage|deletionimage]]}}
| <div class="notice">''This page has been listed as [[OpenVistA Wiki:Deletion policy|a candidate for deletion]]. In the normal day to day operations of OpenVistA Wiki, some pages are deleted. Please go to the [[OpenVistA Wiki:Images for deletion|Images for Deletion]] page to discuss whether this page should be deleted.''</div>
This comment was added by:
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:discontinuedlist|discontinuedlist]]}}
| {{discontinuedlist}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:featuredremoval|featuredremoval]]}}
| {{featuredremoval}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:inuse|inuse]]}}
| {{inuse}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:newcategory|newcategory]]}}
| <div class="notice">''This is a [[OpenVistA Wiki:Category tree|provisional category]]. While the name of this category has been approved by a community consensus, the article or category contents of this new category are still under discussion. If you wish to add articles or categories to this category, please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the discussion leading to its creation, either by first reading the [[{{NAMESPACE}} Talk:{{PAGENAMEE}}|talk page]] to understand the provisions, or you may be directed to a discussion on [[OpenVistA Wiki:Category suggestions]].''</div>
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:protected|protected]]}}
| {{protected}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:replaceimage|replaceimage]]}}
| <div class="notice">''This page has been listed as [[OpenVistA Wiki:Deletion policy|a candidate for deletion]]. In the normal day to day operations of OpenVistA Wiki, some images are deleted due to filename problems or duplications. Please go to the [[OpenVistA Wiki:Images for deletion|Images for Deletion]] page to discuss whether this page should be deleted.''</div>
This image is suggested to be replaced by:
===Pages needing attention===
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{| class="grey"
! Name
! Current Text
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:pna|pna]]}}<br /><br />(''was <nowiki>{{attentionneeded}}</nowiki>'')
| <div class="notice">'''This article needs attention.'''<br /><br />
''This page has been identified as '''[[OpenVistA Wiki:Pages needing attention|needing attention]]'''. Please visit the article's [[{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|talk page]] to see what needs fixing and feel free to [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit] this page to assist with this task.''</div>
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:pna-inaccurate|pna-inaccurate]]}}<br /><br />(''was <nowiki>{{factualerror}}</nowiki>'')
| <div class="notice">'''This article might be inaccurate.'''<br /><br />
''This page has been identified as '''[[OpenVistA Wiki:Pages needing attention|needing attention]]'''. Please visit the article's [[{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|talk page]] to see what needs fixing and feel free to [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit] this page to assist with this task.''</div>
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:pna-incomplete|pna-incomplete]]}}
| <div class="notice">'''This article is incomplete.'''<br /><br />''This page has been identified as lacking essential detail, and as such '''[[OpenVistA Wiki:Pages needing attention|needs attention]]'''. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's [[{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|talk page]]. Feel free to [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit] this page to assist with this expansion.''</div>
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:pna-unformatted|pna-unformatted]]}}<br /><br />(''was <nowiki>{{cleanup}}</nowiki>'')
| <div class="notice">'''This article is unformatted.'''<br /><br />''This page requires [[OpenVistA Wiki:Glossary#W|wikification]], and has been identified as '''[[OpenVistA Wiki:Pages needing attention|needing attention]]'''. Please feel free to [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit] this page to assist with this task.''</div>
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:pna-cite|pna-cite]]}}<br /><br />
| <div class="notice">'''This article needs attention.'''<br /><br />
''This page does not adequately [[OpenVistA Wiki:Cite your sources|cite one or more of its sources]], and '''[[OpenVistA Wiki:Pages needing attention|needs attention]]'''. If you can provide references from [[OpenVistA Wiki:Canon Policy|valid resource material]], feel free to [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} edit] it to add a citation or correct the data.''</div>
==Informational messages==
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{| class="grey"
! Name
! Current Text
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:disambig|disambig]]}}
:''This is a [[OpenVistA Wiki:disambiguation|disambiguation]] page; that is, one that points to other pages that might otherwise have the same name. If you followed a link here, you might want to go back and fix that link to point to the appropriate specific page.''
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:fac|fac]]}}
| {{fac}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:Featured|Featured]]}}
| <div id="fa" class="header-notice">This is a '''[[:Category:OpenVistA Wiki featured articles|featured article]]'''. We believe it to be one of the best examples of the [[OpenVistA Wiki:Archivists|OpenVistA Wiki community's]] work.  Even so, if you see a way this page can be improved even further, we invite you to contribute.
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:international|international]]}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:internationalshort|internationalshort]]}}
| {{internationalshort}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:redirecttocategory|redirecttocategory]]}}
| {{redirecttocategory}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:startdiscussion|startdiscussion]]}}
| {{startdiscussion}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:stub|stub]]}}
:''This article is a [[OpenVistA Wiki:stub|stub]].  You can help OpenVistA Wiki by [[OpenVistA Wiki:Find or fix a stub|fixing it]].''
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:stub-production|stub-production]]}}
:''This article is a [[OpenVistA Wiki:stub|stub]] relating to an actor or production information.  You can help OpenVistA Wiki by [[OpenVistA Wiki:Find or fix a stub|fixing it]].''
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:guests|guests]]}}
| {{guests}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:IMDb-link|IMDb-link]]}}
| {{IMDb-link|page=nm0000638}}<br><br>
'''INSTRUCTIONS:''' ''Takes a single parameter named "page" which is the name of the IMDb page for an actor, for example,'' <nowiki>{{</nowiki>IMDb-link|page=nm0000638}} ''on William Shatner's page would produce'' "[ William Shatner] at the [ IMDb]".  ''The template uses <nowiki>{{</nowiki>PAGENAME}} to display the name of the page that includes it.  This is why the example above shows "Message Templates"''
==Copyright notices==
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! Current Text
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:imageccl|imageccl]]}}
| {{imageccl}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:imagecopyright|imagecopyright]]<nowiki>|owner=OWNER|source=SOURCE}}</nowiki>
| {{imagecopyright|owner=OWNER|source=SOURCE}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:imagefairuse|imagefairuse]]}}
| {{imagefairuse}}
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| {{imageparamount}}
==Contacting users==
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! Name
! Current Text
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>subst:[[Template:test|test]]}}
| {{test}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>subst:[[Template:welcome|welcome]]}}
| {{welcome}}
| <nowiki>{{</nowiki>subst:[[Template:welcome-anon|welcome-anon]]}}
| {{welcome-anon}}
[[Category:OpenVistA Wiki maintenance]]

Revision as of 20:53, 26 August 2005