RPC HELP Executing RPC Security Register

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RPC Security: How to Register an RPC

Security for RPCs is handled through the RPC registration process. Each client application must create a context for itself, which checks if the application user has access to a "B"-type option in the Kernel menu system. Only RPCs assigned to that option can be run by the client application.

To enable your application to create a context for itself:

1. Create a "B"-type option in the OPTION file (#19) for your application. NOTE: The OPTION TYPE "B" represents a Broker client/server type option.

2. In the RPC multiple for this option type, add an entry for each RPC that your application calls. The following fields can be set up for each RPC in your option:

Field Name Entry Description
RPC (#.01) Required This field is used to enter a pointer to the REMOTE PROCEDURE file (#8994). This field links the remote procedure call in the REMOTE PROCEDURE file (#8994) to the package option.
RPCKEY (#1) Optional This field is used to restrict the use of a remote procedure call to a particular package option. The RPCKEY field is a free-text pointer to the SECURITY KEY file (#19.1).
RULES (#2) Optional This field is used to enter M code that is executed when an RPC request is made to verify whether the request should be honored.

3. When you export your package using Kernel Installation and Distribution System (KIDS), export both your RPCs and your package option. KIDS will automatically associate the RPCs with the package option.

4. Your application must create a context for itself on the VistA M Server, which checks access to RPCs. In the initial code of your client application, make a call to the CreateContext method of your TRPCBroker component. Pass your application's "B"-type option's name as a parameter. For example:

   if not brkrRPCBroker1.CreateContext(option_name) then

If the CreateContext method returns True, only those RPCs designated in the RPC multiple of your application option will be permitted to run.

If the CreateContext method returns False, you should terminate your application (if you don't, your application will run but you will get errors every time you try to access an RPC).

5. End-users of your application must have the "B"-type option assigned to them on one of their menus, in order for CreateContext to return True. This allows system managers to control access to client applications.