Setting up a VISTA Printer

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GT.M pipe for print DEVICE:

With the introduction of the pipe device to GT.M (version V5.3-003) this simple, secure, and elegant method can be used:

  • To begin, Update the Devices file. To create a new DEVICE, enter an unused NAME of your choice.
                  NAME: HP-PHOTOSMART                     
                    $I: <pipe>
      PRE-OPEN EXECUTE: X "o ""p"":(command=""lpr"")::""pipe"" s IO=""p"""
    POST-CLOSE EXECUTE: X "c ""p"""                  
               SUBTYPE: P-OTHER80
                  TYPE: OTHER

Note: We use TYPE:OTHER rather than Host File Server. No host file needed; output will be "piped" to the default CUPS printer. Also the fancy stuff is in the PRE-OPEN EXECUTE. For example, one can write:

      PRE-OPEN EXECUTE: X "o ""p"":(command=""lpr -P Photosmart_@ -o cpi=12 -o lpi=8 -o page-left=72"")::""pipe"" s IO=""p"""

In human (ok in geekspeak), this last PRE-OPEN EXECUTE says, "Open a pipe device named "p" with the command to print to the CUPS printer named "Photosmart_@". Set it to give us 12 characters/inch, 8 lines/inch and a 1 inch left margin). And then set IO to that device."

FileMan will then send his output to that IO device, the just-defined pipe.

Finally, the POST-CLOSE EXECUTE simply closes the pipe. And it's gone. No Linux /tmp/print.txt file to clean up. No fuss, no muss.

pipe to identify CUPS printers

--JL.Z Aug 2009

VistA output to a temporary Linux file (Calling ^TMGPRNTR)

Below is an older way of setting up a Linux printer.

Here is the DEVICE file entry:

                        NAME: S121-LAUGHLIN-LASER
                          $I: <TO BE SET IN PRE-OPEN EX.>    
        LOCATION OF TERMINAL: Laughlin_Office
                 PAGE LENGTH: 70                   
          POST-CLOSE EXECUTE: DO FINISH^TMGPRNTR("laughlin_laser")
                     SUBTYPE: P-OTHER80          
                        TYPE: HOST FILE SERVER

Here are the supporting calls to routine ^TMGPRNTR that create a file for writing, and then send the output file to the Linux lpr system

       ;"Purpose: To create a unique printer job name.  
       ;"        This will be used during a printing process
       ;"        that writes the printer file to the host file system, 
       ;"        then passes file to Linux
       ;"        printing system.
       ;"Output: Returns name of file to put output into
       ;"UNIQUE will generate a filename based on time and job number
       ;"    i.e. 'Print-Job-628233034.tmp
       ;"write !,"here in GETJOBNM^TMGPRNTR",!
       new cJobs set cJobs="PRINT JOBS"
       new Filename set Filename=$$UNIQUE^%ZISUTL("/tmp/Print-Job.tmp")
       ;"Now store Filename for later transfer to Linux lpr
       new index set index=$order(^TMP("TMG",cJobs,$J,""))
       if index="" set index=1
       set ^TMP("TMG",cJobs,$J,index)=Filename
       ;"write !,"Print job name will be:",Filename,!
       quit Filename   ;"result returned by altering Filename

       ;"Purpose: to complete the printing process by sending the now-created file
       ;"        to Linux CUPS (the printing system).
       ;"Note: The lpr system itself will delete this print file when 
       ;"      done (option -r)
       ;"Input: Printer OPTIONAL -- the name of the linux printer to send the job to.
       new cJobs set cJobs="PRINT JOBS"
       new index set index=$order(^TMP("TMG",cJobs,$J,""))
       new Filename set Filename=$get(^TMP("TMG",cJobs,$J,index))
       close IO
       kill IO(1,IO)
       kill ^TMP("TMG",cJobs,$J,index)
       if Filename'="" do
       . new CmdStr
       . set CmdStr="lpr "
       . if $get(Printer)'="" set CmdStr=CmdStr_"-P "_Printer
       . ;"option -r --> lpr deletes file after printing done.
       . set CmdStr=CmdStr_" -r "_Filename_" &"
       . ;"write !,"Here is where I call:",!,"ZSYSTEM "_CmdStr,!
       . zsystem CmdStr
       . ;"write "Back from zsystem.  Returning to Fileman.",!

--Kdtop 10:34, 18 Sep 2005)

Linux /tmp/file (With ZSYSTEM call)

On a Linux system with CUPS.

                  NAME: PRINTSERVER                      
                    $I: /tmp/vistaprint.txt
  LOCATION OF TERMINAL: lpr           
            OPEN COUNT: 1
    POST-CLOSE EXECUTE: X "ZSYSTEM ""lpr -r /tmp/vistaprint.txt"""
               SUBTYPE: P-OTHER80                 
                  TYPE: HOST FILE SERVER

And for an elaboration of this method

                  NAME: HP-PHOTOSMART                     
                    $I: <TO BE SET IN PRE-OPEN EXECUTE>
      PRE-OPEN EXECUTE: S IO="/tmp/"_$J_"print.txt"
    POST-CLOSE EXECUTE: X "ZSYSTEM ""lpr -P Photosmart_@ -r /tmp/""_$J_""print.txt"""
               SUBTYPE: P-OTHER80
                  TYPE: HOST FILE SERVER

Note: This DEVICE does not require the calls to ^TMGPRNTR. And, by exposing the lpr call in the POST-CLOSE EXECUTE, it allows more flexibility. For example, this relatively simple change will direct output to the default CUPS printer with 12 characters/inch, 8 lines/inch and a 1 inch left margin. :

     POST-CLOSE EXECUTE: X "ZSYSTEM ""lpr -o cpi=12 -o lpi=8 -o page-left=72 -r /tmp/""_$J_""print.txt"""