VistA Community Meeting Q2 2006

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Please use the sections below to enter your suggestions for the next meeting.


The VistA Community Meeting is currently planned for the first quarter of 2006. Tentative Dates are January 27, 28, 29. (Friday through Sunday)

LOCATION: Washington, DC area.


Enter tracks of interest:

1. Introduction to VistA

2. International Adopters

3. VistA Programming


Enter sessions you would like:

a) VistA for Beginners

b) VistA Programming Standards and Conventions

c) Advanced VistA Programming

d) Workshop on the Anatomy and Physiology of CPRSChart.exe (Including compiling from source)

e) Workshop on Web2M

f) VistA and disaster / terrorism preparedness: a) remote backup, b) connectivity to pharmacies, near and far, c) data-driven Point of Care (POC) information about uncommon presentations, d) POC access to guidelines of disaster / terrorism care, e) POC to remote data monitoring for clusters of unusual presentations, f) facilitated access to unusual pharmaceuticals and supplies needed in some disasters (e.g., Prussian Blue), g) VistaWeb....

g) VistA and disaster recovery: Can Charity Hospital, University Hospital and the New Orleans VA be rebuilt with a common IT infrastructure linked to Vista-Office in New Orleans community primary care practices?

H) VistA and outline views of data: Can a customized TreeView control be linked to an outliner for data viewing (e.g., the annotated problem list) and data input (e.g., the annotation of the problem list)?

I) VistA and the National Debt: Can VistA be used to dramatically alter medication errors, duplication of services, application of clinical guidelines, access to very low cost pharmaceuticals, access to cost-effective nutraceuticals, team care, self-care education, preventive medicine, cost-effectiveness research....?

J) VistA and the patient history: Can VistA be linked to a customizable questionnaire driver to collect patient history data important for clinical diagnosis, need-based education, prevention and cost-effective followup?

K) VistA and smart searching for content: Can VistA be linked to a semantic network (e.g., MEDCIN), semantic network software (e.g., WordWeb) and clinical content to assist staff in identifying clinically relevant content at the POC?

M) VistA and primary care medical education: Can VistA be linked to the education of undergraduate "medical assistants" and medical student study of basic clinical skills to enhance the entry of allopathic medical school students into primary care, including, especially, rural primary care? Can VA's and office practices using Vista-Office be increasingly used as training centers for facile and cost-effective use of an EMR?


Enter speaker suggestions here:

1. Cynthia Wark

2. Rob Kolodner

3. Sen. Chuck Hagel


Enter topics of interest:

Building the business case for VistA

GUI Registration and Cashiering alternatives

Is there a Role for VistA in Disaster Preparedness?

Cache' on Linux, VOE on Linux