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Information for running the VistALink tester including an install script for Linux and easy instructions for Windows can be found here. This has not been verified to allow use of any of the Java Applications, however. The instructions that follow from Minto Tsai will likely allow it.

Setup VistALink 1.5

on VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1
by Minto Tsai


VistALink is a utility provided by the VA to allow JAVA Applications to execute Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) on the VistA/M server.


Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)
JDK 1.5.0_12
J2EE SDK 5.02
VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1
VistALink 1.5 (Listener is already installed on VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1)
Sea Island Systems' modified VistALink routines

Setup VistALink 1.5 on VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1 by Minto Tsai


VistALink is a utility provided by the VA to allow JAVA Applications to execute Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) on the VistA/M server.

Environment: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) JDK 1.5.0_12 J2EE SDK 5.02 VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1 VistALink 1.5 (Listener is already installed on VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1) Sea Island Systems' modified VistALink routines

Setup Steps:

1. Install VistA Office EHR SemiViva 2.3.1
2. Verify VistALink 1.5 is already installed:
   GTM> D ^XUP <enter>
   Terminal Type set to: C-VT100 <enter>
   Select OPTION NAME: eve <enter>
   CHOOSE 1-5: 1 <enter>
   Select Systems Manager Menu Option: programmer <enter>
   Select Programmer Options Option: kids <enter>
   Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: utilities <enter>
   Select Utilities Option: display <enter>
   Select PACKAGE NAME: vistalink <enter>
   CHOOSE 1-2: 1 <enter>
   Select VERSION: 1.5// <enter>
   Do you want to see the Descriptions? NO// <enter>
   DEVICE: HOME// <enter>
Output should be:
PACKAGE: VISTALINK     Jul 15, 2007 10:03 pm                          PAGE 1 
PATCH #             INSTALLED                     INSTALLED BY 
VERSION: 1.5        OCT 08, 2006                  SCHLEHUBER,CAMERON 

1                NOV 06, 2006@15:11:19         SCHLEHUBER,CAMERON 
3. Save original ^XOB* routines (See ReadMe.txt from Sea Island Systems', see references below)
   GTM> D ^%RO <enter>
   Routine: ^XOB* <enter>
   Routine: <enter>
   Output device: <terminal>: /tmp/ <enter>
   Header Label: <enter>
   String comments <No>?: <enter>
4. Restore modified routines from (download from Sea Island Systems', see references below)
   GTM> D ^%RI <enter>
   Formfeed delimited <No>? <enter>
   Input device: <terminal>: /tmp/ <enter>
   Output directory: <VistAOfficeEHR>/gtm_V5.2-000/r/ <enter>     <-- don't forget the last slash
5. Verify modified routines installed
Output should be:
; SIS/LM - Modified for GT.M - Mar 23, 2004
6. Start the listener
7. Verify listener has started
   GTM> <Press CTRL-Z>
   $ lke show all <enter>
Output should be:
       ^%ZIS(8994.171,RPCB Listener,ROU,VAH,ROU:KLW133,9210)
                        Owned by PID= 32102 which is an existing process
       ^XOB(18.01,VistALink Listener,ROU,VAH,ROU:KLW133,8001)
                        Owned by PID= 18338 which is an existing process
$ fg
8. Telnet test to listener
   telnet localhost 8001
   you should connect if the listener is up
9. Create a user (or use existing user)
   User's Access/Verify Code must use capital letters
10. Grant Kernel Access to Sample Application 
    In User Edit, for Primary/Secondary Menu Options, assign “XOBV VISTALINK TESTER”

11. Installing VistALink sample Application files
    unzip XOB_1_5.ZIP
    cd vlj-
copy VistALink libraries (under vlj- dir)
copy supporting library files
j2ee.jar (get from J2EE SDK)
jaxen-dom.jar (under vlj- dir)
create from setVistaLinkEnvironment.bat
create from runSwingTester.bat

Running SwingTester sample Application

. ./
launch SwingTester
connect to M server
enter IP: localhost
enter Port: 8001
click Connect
enter Access/Verify code


VistALink VA Documentation - [1]

Vistapedia Documentation (see item 14)- [2]

Sea Island Systems' modified VistALink routines - [3]