Immunization Reporting

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Revision as of 19:39, 24 October 2012 by Shabiel (talk | contribs) (Set-up)
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As it currently stands the package is not useful clinically and may be harmful to your clinical data. Please don't use it. You can use it to attest if you wish.

How does it work

In CPRS, using a reminder dialog, you document a test immunization on a test patient. This reminder dialog opens a generic order dialog. You need to document the test immunization again, and make sure to set the option to Send an HL7 message to yes.

In roll and scroll, run the option VW IMMUN HL7 MSG PREP to create the HL7 message. From there, it's up to you on how you are going to send it.


All components are packaged in one KIDS file. You need to perform some set-up after installation prior to using.



Install Log


NB: Vistapedia isn't letting me upload images right now. I will just leave placeholders.

First, you need to add the reminder dialog that was installed with the KIDS build as a selectable dialog to use for TIU. You can do it at the System Level or at a User Level. I would tend to recommend a User Level in this case, but the screen cap below shows you adding it at the system level.

Follow these steps from the Reminder Manager menu.

Select Reminder Managers Menu Option: ?

   CF     Reminder Computed Finding Management ...
   RM     Reminder Definition Management ...
   SM     Reminder Sponsor Management ...
   TXM    Reminder Taxonomy Management ...
   TRM    Reminder Term Management ...
   LM     Reminder Location List Management ...
   RX     Reminder Exchange
   RT     Reminder Test
   OS     Other Supporting Menus ...
   INFO   Reminder Information Only Menu ...
   DM     Reminder Dialog Management ...
   CP     CPRS Reminder Configuration ...
   RP     Reminder Reports ...
   MST    Reminders MST Synchronization Management ...
   PL     Reminder Patient List Menu ...
   PAR    Reminder Parameters ...
   XM     Reminder Extract Menu ...
   GEC    GEC Referral Report

Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text.

Select Reminder Managers Menu Option: CP  CPRS Reminder Configuration

Select CPRS Reminder Configuration Option: ?

   CA     Add/Edit Reminder Categories
   CL     CPRS Lookup Categories
   CS     CPRS Cover Sheet Reminder List
   MH     Mental Health Dialogs Active
   PN     Progress Note Headers
   RA     Reminder GUI Resolution Active
   TIU    TIU Template Reminder Dialog Parameter
   DL     Default Outside Location
   PT     Position Reminder Text at Cursor
   NP     New Reminder Parameters
   GEC    GEC Status Check Active
   WH     WH Print Now Active

Enter ?? for more options, ??? for brief descriptions, ?OPTION for help text.

Select CPRS Reminder Configuration Option: TIU  TIU Template Reminder Dialog Par

Reminder Dialogs allows as Templates may be set for the following:

     1   User          USR    [choose from NEW PERSON]
     3   Service       SRV    [choose from SERVICE/SECTION]
     4   Division      DIV    [VOE OFFICE INSTITUTION]
     5   System        SYS    [BETA.VISTA-OFFICE.ORG]

Enter selection: 5  System   BETA.VISTA-OFFICE.ORG

 Setting Reminder Dialogs allows as Templates  for System: BETA.VISTA-OFFICE.ORG
Select Display Sequence: ?

Display Sequence  Value
----------------  -----
1                 TIU PERSONAL HX
2                 TIU CHIEF COMPLAINT
3                 TIU IMMUNIZATIONS
10                VA-DEPRESSION SCREEN
20                MU NQF0028AB MANAGEMENT DI
30                MU NQF0421 BMI DI
40                MU SMOKING STATUS DI

Select Display Sequence: 50
Are you adding 50 as a new Display Sequence? Yes// YES

Display Sequence: 50//    50
Clinical Reminder Dialog: MU IMM REGISTRY DI DI       reminder dialog     LOCAL
         ...OK? Yes//   (Yes)

Select Display Sequence: 

Select CPRS Reminder Configuration Option: 

Second, you need to associate the dialog with a new TIU Template in CPRS. Choose the Notes tab in CPRS, and choose Options > Edit Templates File:Immunization Reporting Edit Templates1.png

Click on New Template, name the template any legal name (here I called it IMM_HL7), choose a template type of "Reminder Dialog" and pick the reminder dialog "Mu Imm Registry Di Di". File:Immunization Reporting Edit Templates2.png

Pick a test patient, create a new visit, go to the Notes tab, and click "New Note". Pick an appropriate title, and then pick the template you just created from the templates drawer. You will see a dialog that looks like this: File:Immunization Reporting Template1.png

Fill it out using any of the sample immunizations listed, like this: File:Immunization Reporting Template2.png

After you click Finish, an order dialog will be opened. You need to fill in all the information again. File:Immunization Reporting OrderDialog1.png

The order does not need to be signed.

Sample Immunization HL7