M2Web Tutorials
Put some stuff here...
Jim Self said...
I have a different set of utilities in M2Web (see http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/rtn/view*) for traversing and processing records defined by Fileman (or otherwise). These make use of ^iterator and variable names derived from Fileman field labels to make extremely concise yet readable processing specifications. Using these utilities makes applications routines, smaller, simpler, more readable, and often more general also.
- example: http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/query/?dbfile=19&index=Name&format=Optn...
This (index=Name) specifies iteration over the "B" index of file 19 (OPTION). "OptnNo" is the variable name for the internal entry number (IEN) of this file, so "index=OptnNo" would specifiy iteration over the IEN. Optional parameters "find" and "filter" can further refine the iteration.
"format=OptnNo;Name;MenuText" is optional. It specifies 3 output fields per data record. Default output is an HTML table but many other possibilities are readily available.