Shared Templates

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Shared Templates. Only members of the Clinical Coordinator Authorization/Subscription Utility (ASU) class can create shared templates. Shared templates are available to all users. Clinical Coordinators can copy and paste text into a template, type in new content, add Template type in new content, add Template Fields, or copy a personal template and then modify it as needed. In the tree view, shared template and folder icons do not have a folded corner. Note: When you install CPRS, a copy of all your existing boilerplate titles is placed in the inactive boilerplates folder under shared templates. Clinical Coordinators can arrange the boilerplate titles that have been copied into the shared templates, use them to create new shared templates, or make them available to users by moving them out of the inactive boilerplates folder. Users will not see the inactive boilerplates folder or its templates unless you choose to make the folder active.

To activate the boilerplates folder, Clinical Coordinators should follow these steps:

1. Open the Templates Editor.

2. Verify that Edit Shared Templates is checked.

3. Uncheck Hide Inactive (under shared templates).

4. Click the plus sign beside the shared icon.

Shared Templates includes a lock property that prevents users from making personal changes when it has been set. The status of the lock property is displayed in a check box on the Template Editor dialog. When the Shared Templates root template is locked, no shared templates can be modified. For more information on boilerplates, refer to the Text Integration Utility User Manual. Another area of shared templates is creating Patient Data Object templates for newly created TIU objects that will enable users to place these objects into their other templates.

So I added myself as a Clinical coordinator with the following menu path: EVE->user->user class->list membership by user I then chose myself, and added 'Clinical coordinator'

This then let me edit the shared templates in the template editor in CPRS. I had to check the box "edit shared templates" in the bottom left corner for this to work.

So it looks like I have this going.

Thanks for your help. It got me going in the right direction.