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  • Original source for this page here with software download here

Welcome to WorldVistA EHR /VOE 1.0 (Uncertified) SemiVivA Lite!

A SemiVivA package combines VistA configured for GT.M and a GT.M release into a single archive from which both VistA and GT.M can be installed. With this release, SemiVivA packages are being released in Lite and Pro variants.

A SemiVivA Lite is a SemiVivA package that is literally ready to run. This responds to a request for a simpler environment with minimal options.

The traditional SemiVivA package that provides for the creation of multiple environments that share code and data is renamed to SemiVivA Pro. SemiVivA Pro is better suited to those wishing to develop software or set up multiple environments that share code and potentially some data (e.g., in an Application Service Provider, or ASP, environment).

To install WorldVistA EHR /VOE 1.0 SemiVivA Lite, you will need mcrypt, packages for which are available for most Linux distributions. You will also need a decryption password, which is available in the file

Download the SemiVivA Lite distribution file to a temporary location, e.g., /Distrib/WorldVistA/ Then execute the following commands *as root*:

 cd /opt
 mcrypt -d </Distrib/WorldVistA/ | tar jxvf -
 chown -R uuuu.gggg WorldVistAEHR

where uuuu is the normal user and gggg is the normal group that will own the WorldVistA distribution. You will be prompted for the password by mcrypt.

After successfully unpackaging the software, to run WorldVistA EHR, execute the following command *as normal user uuuu*:


This package has GT.M journaling turned on so that in the event of a system crash, or inadvertent power down, the database is recovered simply with the commands:

 source /opt/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/gtmprofile
 export vista_home=/opt/WorldVistAEHR
 export gtmgbldir=/opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/g/mumps.gld
 mupip journal -recover -backward /opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/g/mumps.mjl

You can put the above commands in a script that is automatically executed when the system boots up.

Since journaling is turned on automatically, you will also need to periodically delete old journal files, which you can do with the following commands (again, I suggest putting them in a file):

 source /opt/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/gtmprofile
 export vista_home=/opt/WorldVistAEHR
 export gtmgbldir=/opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/g/mumps.gld
 mupip set -journal="enable,on,before" -noprev -file /opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/g/mumps.dat
 rm /opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/g/mumps.mjl_*

I recommend doing the above after a successful backup of the database. Also, instead of removing journal files, many sites may prefer to archive them.

For CPRS, have inetd or xinetd execute /opt/WorldVistAEHR/gtm_V5.3-001_i686/cprs_direct in response to a connection request.

Trust but verify, especially this is a new type of packaging: it will likely have a few glitches, and I will try to respond quickly to any hiccups that are reported.

Regards -- Bhaskar

K.S. Bhaskar February 2, 2008