Adding A Patient

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Entering a Provider

Under Encounter Provider a user appears that should be given the following keys: ORES PROVIDER

If you want the user to be a system manager give them the keys: XMMGR XUMGR

If you want the user to be a computer programmer give them the system manager keys as well as these programmer specific keys: XUPROG XUPROGMODE

In addition to keys, there is a need to make sure the provider has appropriate user classes. Your user has to be in the "provider" class, as I recall.

I think the path is: eve->user>user class management->class by user Then add "provider" for the given user.

Be sure that when using the [Edit an Existing User] option that YES is stored as the value of the field AUTHORIZED TO WRITE MED ORDERS (stored in the NEW PERSON) file

Entering a Hospital Location

To enter a location:

Select ADT System Definition Menu Option: Ward Definition Entry/Edit
Entered a new Ward.

Now I am able to add problems to a patient. However, I can't enter medication for patients.

This can be fixed by using the [Edit an Existing User] option and changing the value of the field AUTHORIZED TO WRITE MED ORDERS (stored in the NEW PERSON) file

In CPRS, you add medication for a patient by
left-clicking on the Meds Tab, 
then right-click and select New Medication...  

A dialog appears asking for Provider & Location for Current Activities. Select the proper provider for your encounter.

Under Visit Location the wards created previously using the Text based interface appear.

Select the location for the encounter. click OK.

Entering a New Medication Order using Text CPRS