Allscripts with CPRS

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Jump to navigationJump to search wrote (January 19, 2010):

"Here is what I do. Very high tech, so pay close attention.

I have a web browser open, and I log into Allscripts. I work with my CPRS chart. When it comes time to prescribe a Rx, I use [ALT][TAB] to switch to the browser and select the patient and complete the transaction.

If I happen to want a copy of what I did to be included in my note, then I click the review button that shows the meds prescribed. I then select and copy the text [CTRL][C].

I then [ALT][TAB] back to CPRS and do the final amazing bit of wizardry: [CTRL][V]

It works fine.

But on a serious note... I read in the meaningful use guidelines, that one's system for meaningful used does NOT have to be all in one software package. It is OK to have different parts all working together to achieve a goal. So I actually think doing something as low tech as what I am doing might just work. I would have to make sure I was putting drug allergies into the system (which I am not currently doing.)

And yes, it will be better when we get it all integrated into CPRS.
