Broker help/TOC
- This is a conversion of the Broker.hlp file to mediawiki format using the helpdeco converter program converted to by Ignacio Valdes of Astronaut, LLC The original formatting such as Table of Contents linking and screen shots is not present.
- Base broker.hlp>main
- Title RPC Broker Developer's Guide
RPC Broker V. 1.1 Developer's Guide
The RPC Broker is a client/server system within VA's Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VISTA) environment. It enables client applications to communicate and exchange data with M Servers.
This manual describes the development features of the RPC Broker. The emphasis is on using the RPC Broker in conjunction with Borland's Delphi software. However, the RPC Broker supports other development environments.
This manual provides a complete reference for development with the RPC Broker. For an overview of development with the RPC Broker component, see the "RPC Broker V. 1.1 Getting Started with the Broker Development Kit" manual.
This document is intended for the VISTA development community and Information Resource Management (IRM) staff. A wider audience of technical personnel engaged in operating and maintaining the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) software might also find it useful as a reference.
Broker Overview
For the latest RPC Broker product information, please refer to the RPC Broker Home Page on the web at:
About this Version of the RPC Broker
This version of the Broker provides programmers with the capability to develop new VISTA client/server software using the Broker Delphi component (i.e., TRPCBroker) in the 32-bit environment.
What's New in the BDK
What’s New Through May 2002?
Support for Delphi V. 6.0
As of Patch XWB*1.1*13, the BDK supports Delphi V. 6.0.
Developer Considerations
Application Issues
Silent Login
Context-sensitive Help for the TRPCBroker Component
RPC Broker Components and Classes
TRPCBroker Component
New TRPCBroker Component Properties
As of Patch XWB*1.1*13, the following properties are new with this version of the RPC Broker:
- Property
- CurrentContext (Public)
- KerneLogIn (Published)
- LogIn (Public)
- OnRPCBFailure (Public)
- RPCBError (Public)
- ShowErrorMsgs (Published)
- User (Public)