Clinical Procedures

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From: April 2004 Clinical Procedures V. 1.02 Implementation Guide

CPRS Tools access to Clinical Procedures

Example command line for CPRS tools dropdown menu:

CPUser=\\MyAppServer\CP\CPuser.exe /cprs /server=%s /port=%p /dfn=%d

In this example, the CPUser.exe on server MyAppServer in the Share CP runs as a slave under the CPRS application while connecting to the server that CPRS defined in %s on the listener port defined in %p. In addition, CP User opens the patient defined in %d upon starting. For instructions on setting up the CPRS Tools menu, refer to, Adding Clinical Procedures to the CPRS Tools Menu, p. 6

Appendix A – Application Startup Options and Command Line Switches

All Command Line Switches

Clinical Procedures V. 1.0 command line parameters available from the command prompt or within Windows shortcut definitions and the CPRS Tools menu commands are defined by application.
CPUser.exe [/server=servername] [/port=listenerport] [/cprs] [/dfn=patientdfn] [/helpdir=helpdirectory] [/debug={on|off}] [/brokertimeout=seconds] [/bypasscrc] [/NonSharedBroker]
CPManager.exe [/server=servername] [/port=listenerport] [/helpdir=helpdirectory] [/debug={on|off}] [/brokertimeout=seconds] [/bypasscrc] [/NonSharedBroker]
CPGateway.exe[/server=servername] [/port=listenerport] [/helpdir=helpdirectory] [/debug={on|off}] [/brokertimeout=seconds] [/bypasscrc] [/NonSharedBroker]


Name Description Default
/server Specifies a VistA server to which you are connected. BROKERSERVER
/port Specifies an alternate listener port on the selected server. 9200
/cprs Specifies that the application is to run in slave modeunder CPRS. This switch mustbe utilized when adding the CP User application to the CPRS tools menu.
/dfn Specifies the patient dfn (record identifier) to open upon application startup. This switch must be utilized when adding the CP User application to the CPRS tools menu.
/helpdir Location of the Clinical Procedures windows help files .../appdir/help_of_the_application
/debug Sets the debug mode for both the RPC Broker and the Clinical Procedures application. Off
/brokertimeout Overrides the timeout for the RPC Broker when executing a Remote Procedure. 30
/bypasscrc Overrides the system parameters setting to check an applications crc32 value upon application startup. This switch should only be used during testing to avoid the messages if the site is implementing CRC verification
/NonSharedBroker This switch instructs the application to not utilize the shared broker functionality. Used when the Shared Broker has not been implemented on the target workstation.
/servername IP Address or Name of VistA server as it appears in the client Hosts. file.
Default Hosts. file locations: NT 4.0 = c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Clinical Procedures

  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "CPUSER.exe" OR "CPUser.exe". It is a MS Windows application.
  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "CPMANAGER.EXE". It is an MS Windows application.
  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "CPFLOWSHEETS.EXE". It is an MS Windows application.
  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "HEMODIALYSIS.EXE". It is an MS Windows application.
  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "CPGatewayService.exe". It is an MS Windows application.
  • There is a Clinical Procedures GUI program named "CPConsole.exe". It is an MS Windows application.

Organization of system

Clinical Procedures (many times abbreviated as "CP" and in the namespace of "

Clinical Procedures is a software package developed as a "National" class.

Clinical Procedures has several components each of which has an instance at a VistA site.

One component of Clinical Procedures communicates with the main VistA instance for the site.

This component using TCP/IP and the RPC Broker to communicate data and request remote procedure calls.

A different component communicates with machines which provide cardiac tests for patients.

A different component communicates with the VistA Imaging computer for the site.

The Clinical Procedures system stores PDF Files in the VistA Imaging system. The VistA Imaging system stores PDF Files from Clinical Procedures.

Clinical Procedures receives results from some testing machines as PDF Files.

CP Gateway Service

The CP Gateway Service is the component that processes HL7 messages. The CP Gateway Service is composed of two subsystems. One CP Gateway Service subsystem exists solely within VistA. One CP Gateway Service is a MS Windows service that interacts with VistA via the RPC Broker. A vendor device sends an observation to VistA inside an HL7 (ORU^R01) inbound message. The VA FileMan FILE HL7 EVENT TYPE CODE (FILE 779.001) has an entry for an ORU event. The ORU message is defined as an entry in the FILE HL7 MESSAGE TYPE (FILE 771.2) with the full name of "Observ result/unsolicited".