Creating ICD-9 Picklists

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CPRS allows a clinical coordinator to create their own "pick list" of diagnoses that a particular institution, clinic, or enduser most often selects in everyday practice. The particular menu where these lists are generated is called the PROBLEM LIST MGT MENU (GMPL MGT MENU), shown below as option number 5:

This is a TEST account.

Access Code: *******
Terminal Type set to: C-VT102

You have 92 new messages.
     1   PROBLEM DEVICE CLEAR  XUTM PROBLEM CLEAR     Problem Device Clear
     2   PROBLEM DEVICE REPORT.  XUTM PROBLEM DEVICES     Problem Device report.
     3   PROBLEM LIST  YSPROBLIST     Problem list
     4   PROBLEM LIST DATA ENTRY  GMPL DATA ENTRY     Problem List Data Entry
     5   PROBLEM LIST MGT MENU  GMPL MGT MENU     Problem List Mgt Menu  
Press <RETURN> to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR
CHOOSE 1-5: 5  GMPL MGT MENU     Problem List Mgt Menu

   1      Patient Problem List
   2      Edit PL Site Parameters
   3      Create Problem Selection Lists ...
   4      List Patients with Problem List data
   5      Search for Patients having selected Problem
   6      Replace Removed Problem(s) on Patient's List

Select Problem List Mgt Menu Option:


   1      Patient Problem List
   2      Edit PL Site Parameters
   3      Create Problem Selection Lists ...
   4      List Patients with Problem List data
   5      Search for Patients having selected Problem
   6      Replace Removed Problem(s) on Patient's List

Select Problem List Mgt Menu Option: 3  Create Problem Selection Lists

   1      Build Problem Selection List(s)
   2      Copy Selection List from IB Encounter Form
   3      Assign Selection List to User(s)
   4      Remove Selection List from User(s)
   5      Delete Problem Selection List
   6      Check Problem Selection List problem codes

Select Create Problem Selection Lists Option:

As shown from the menus provided, an enduser can build and maintain their problem selection list (pick list), assign or remove them from specific institutions, clinics, or users, delete them all together, or simply check the codes associated with lists that have been created. By selecting option 1, BUILD PROBLEM SELECTION LIST(S), a new pick list can be created:

Select Create Problem Selection Lists Option:

   1      Patient Problem List
   2      Edit PL Site Parameters
   3      Create Problem Selection Lists ...
   4      List Patients with Problem List data
   5      Search for Patients having selected Problem
   6      Replace Removed Problem(s) on Patient's List

Select Problem List Mgt Menu Option: 3  Create Problem Selection Lists

   1      Build Problem Selection List(s)
   2      Copy Selection List from IB Encounter Form
   3      Assign Selection List to User(s)
   4      Remove Selection List from User(s)
   5      Delete Problem Selection List
   6      Check Problem Selection List problem codes

Select Create Problem Selection Lists Option: 1  Build Problem Selection List(s)
Select LIST NAME: TEST LIST <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Name your pick list here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Searching for the list ...
BUILD PROBLEM SELECTION LIST  Aug 03, 2015@17:32:20          Page:    1 of    1
Last Modified: <new list>                                          0 categories
                                    TEST LIST

No items available.

          + Next Screen  - Prev Screen  ?? More actions
AD  Add Category to List  SQ  Resequence Categories VW  View w/wo Seq Numbers
RM  Remove Category       CD  Edit Category Display CL  Change Selection Lists
EC  Enter/Edit Category   SS  Assign List           SV  Save List and Quit
                                                    Q   Quit
Select Action: Quit//

Once the list has been named, the next step is to ENTER/EDIT CATEGORY (EC), which allows the coordinator to begin adding diagnoses to show endusers in CPRS. Categories can be random and do not appear in the list in CPRS, but they allow the coordinator to sort/organize the pick list for easy selection. In the currently created TEST LIST, a category name of MOST COMMON has been chosen: