Episode 64 Setting user Electronic Signature Code through Text Based Interface.
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So if you are in a pinch and cannot use VistA-Config, here is how to get to a user to set their own Electronic Signature Code. It should be obvious but sometimes the menu doesn't appear in a straightforward way. It is in User's Toolbox which is what you enter at the Option Prompt. You can checkout Kevin's Menu Map here http://vistapedia.net/index.php?title=VistA_Menu_Commands_/_VistA_Menu_Map which shows where the menu item is.
The user (not the administrator) logs in on their own access/verify with through the text client such as Start-->Astronaut-->Text client and enters:
User's Toolbox
Electronic Signature code Edit
press return until Signature code is asked for as follows:
Select Systems Manager Menu Option: user's toolbox Change my Division Display User Characteristics Edit User Characteristics Electronic Signature code Edit Menu Templates ... Spooler Menu ... Switch UCI TaskMan User User Help Select User's Toolbox Option: electronic Signature code Edit This option is designed to permit you to enter or change your Initials, Signature Block Information, Office Phone number, and Voice and Digital Pagers numbers. In addition, you are permitted to enter a new Electronic Signature Code or to change an existing code. INITIAL: IV// SIGNATURE BLOCK PRINTED NAME: IGNACIO VALDES// SIGNATURE BLOCK TITLE: MD, MS// OFFICE PHONE: VOICE PAGER: DIGITAL PAGER: