FileMan Delphi Components/TFMFinder

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TFMFinder Component



Parent Class

TFMFinder = class(TFMAccess)


The purpose of the TFMFinder component is to find and retrieve one or more records by matching a lookup value to values in one or more of the target file's indexes. The associated remote procedure uses the FIND^DIC Database Server (DBS) call to find and retrieve records.

Most TFMFinder properties correspond to parameters for the FIND^DIC call. The other properties are for controlling processing on the Delphi client side.

The TFMFinder can be useful in certain cases where the TFMLister is not. In particular, if you use the TFMLister to match lookup values with its PartList property, matching is done against VA FileMan internal values. TFMFinder, on the other hand, can lookup based on external values.