HOWTO Share VistA Stuff

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Currently there are several methods to share information with other people in the VistA community:

A PackMan mail message

If you have your VistA MailMan system configured to send mail, you can create a PackMan message and send it as a normal e-mail.

A KIDS mail message

If you have your VistA MailMan system configured to send mail, you can create a KIDS BUILD and send then package it up as a PackMan message and send it as a normal e-mail.

Generic MUMPS methods

A RSA File

Routines can be saved as a Routine Save Archive, and transported in a standard format to be loaded into a VistA system, using the Host File System.

A GSA File

Globals can be saved as a Global Save Archive, and transported in a standard format to be loaded into a VistA system, using the Host File System.

A ZWR File

Globals can be saved and transported in the ZWR standard format to be loaded into a VistA system, using the Host File System.