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This page uses the Historical meaning of the term "OpenVistA" VistA Trademark Issues

 #invoke GT.M for M2Web CGI
 export m2web="/usr/local/m2web"
 export vista_home="/usr/local/vista/OpenVistA"
 export gtm_sysid="vista.net"
 export gtm_dist="/usr/local/gtm"
 export gtm_log="$gtm_dist/log"
 export gtmgbldir="$vista_home/g/mumps.gld"
 export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($m2web/w $vista_home/r) $gtm_dist"
 # MD5 Library external-call table
 export GTMXC_md5 = "$m2web/w/xc/gtm_md5.xc"
 cd $m2web/w
 #-- uncomment line below and copy to /var/www/vista/m2web.cgi
 #$gtm_dist/mumps -r htCGI