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RPC Broker Help Home


Classes, Objects, and Components

The BDK includes classes, objects, and components. For each class, object, and component, this Help file lists the unit, declaration, properties, methods, and a description of how to use the class, object, or component.

  • Class—A class is a data type that wraps up code and data all in one bundle.
  • Object—An object is a specific instance of that class with associated values.
  • Component—A component is an object with additional properties, methods, and events that makes it suitable for specialized purposes.


Routines can either be functions or procedures. A function returns a value, and a procedure does not.

For topics in this Help file describing routines, the unit and declaration for each routine is listed, as well as a description of the routine is provided.


A type defines the possible range of values for a property or a method. A number of types are declared in the BDK, which you may need to make use of yourself in your own code. For topics in this Help file describing types, the unit and declaration for each type, as well as a description of the type is also provided.


A unit is a Pascal source-code file. The BDK includes a number of units. This Help file documents some of the units provided, and details what parts of the BDK are declared in each unit.

Sometimes it is helpful to know in which unit a particular item, such as a type or routine, is declared in the BDK. This is because if you use the item in your own code, you may need to include the corresponding unit in your own Pascal unit's uses clause.