RPC HELP TSharedRPCBroker OnLogout Property

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RPC Broker Help Home

OnLogout Property

Applies to

  TSharedRPCBroker component


   property OnLogout: TNotifyEvent;


The OnLogout property is used to provide a capability in the future for the RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr to receive a message requesting all applications to log out. This message would then be propagated to all applications that are connected with the RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr. If a procedure is specified as a value for the OnLogout property, it will be called when this message is received. It can do any processing necessary prior to logging out of the system. There is a default method that will pass the message along to the main window for the application, requesting it to close.

   TLogout = procedure () of object;

This class defines the structure of the procedure necessary to be used as an OnLogout value. It would simply be a procedure with no arguments.