RPMS Installation
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RPMS Installation Instructions
Written by Sam Habiel. I want to acknowledge Rick Pullen and Nancy Anthracite, who helped me put this together.
For development use; consult a Vista Cache expert for production system set-up. Optional steps marked with *.
- Install Cache or Ensemble (lastest versions); answer no to the question that asks whether to put the key in now if you have the key as a file.
- In the Mgr directory, copy the key and make sure it's named cache.key
- In the C:\Intersystems\[Cache or Ensemble]\mgr directory, make a subdirectory (let's call it rpms) for you database and place your RPMS cache.dat into that [rpms] directory.
- Log into the System Mangement Portal. Right-click on notification icon, choose that option, and if you set a password, log in
- Home > Configuration > Advanced Settings (newer Cache, different places, as below)
- IO (Configuration > Compatibility Settings)
- Filemode = True
- Openmode = 1 for Read/Write
- Memory (Can't find in newest version of Cache, 2010)
- GenericHeapSize = 10000. More may be needed for shadowed systems.
- ZFHEAP = 125000 (minimum). May require more depending on software running and OS platform.
- Miscellaneous (Configuration > Startup Settings)
- WebServerPort = 57772 (default) This can be changed and is the port number that the System Management Portal uses.
- ObjectScript (Configuration > Compatibility Settings)
- Set ZEOF = True
- Telnet (Configuration > Device Settings > Telnet Settings)
- DNSLookup = True (if DNS server is available). Set to False if no DNS server available. Only affects Windows OS.
- *Home > Configuration > Memory and Startup
- Routine Cache: Min 50MB
- Database Cache (8 KB): Min 1500MB. Leave 2 KB Cache at 0.
- IO (Configuration > Compatibility Settings)
- Create your database
- Configuration > Local Databases > Create New Database
- Give it the same name you gave the mgr subdirectory (perhaps rpms) earlier in the process and choose that directory. When you click next, Cache or Ensemble should find the Cache,dat you placed in the mgr subdirectory you creaated. Accept using it. The database size will be set automatically.
- Jounal: No
- Create a namespace
- Configuration > Namespaces > Create New Namespace
- Give it the same name as your DB created in #4
- Map it to your DB
- Don't copy any mappings
- Create the mappings (Namespaces, Global Mappings and Routine Mappings)
- Globals: (%Z*, %z*) to your namespace; (UTILITY, TMP, TEMP, XTMP) to CACHETEMP
- Routines: %DT*, %HOSTCMD, %INET, %RCR, %Serenj*, %XB*, %XU*, %ZI*, %ZO*, %ZT*, %ZU*, %ZV*, %ZDEBUG
- *Home > Security Management > Users
- Add accounts. Copy from SuperUser. Add Password. Set Namespace. If this is intended for general use, set the routine to be ^ZU, otherwise, leave it blank.
- *Home > Security Management > CSP Applications > Edit /csp/sys (this portal). Uncheck unauthenticed and check password to allow only authenticated users to use the system management portal.
- *Home > Security Management > Services > Edit %Service_Telnet. Enable it and choose appropriate authentication.
- *Home > Security Management > Resources > Edit %Development and enable it (only for systems on which development will be performed).
- *For databases migrated from Cache 5.0.x, recompile the routines and update database objects.
- Enter Programmer Mode
- Go to your namespace
- Execute the following:
- Routine(s): %*
- Routine(s): **
- ZN "%SYS"
- W $System.OBJ.UpgradeAll()
- Go back to your namespace
- D RebuildIndex^%R("","",1)
- In Programmer mode, D ^ZTMGRSET, choose OpenM for OS, and type your namespace on the three quetions, and rename fileman routines.
- Correct the Volume Set and Primary HFS Directory fields in the Kernel Systems Parameters file
- Correct the Volume in Volume Set file
- Taskman Site Parameters need to be XXX:CACHE or XXX:ENSEMBLE or XXX:<INSTANCE NAME>
- Check the Mailman Site Params file for the correct entry in the below field: CPU (UCI,VOL) FOR FILER TO RUN: XXX,XXX
- Before you proceed, fix the volume set field for devices |TRM| and |TNT| or otherwise you won't be able to use FileMan features.
- In Option Scheduling file, correct Volume field for tasks by stuffing the right one
- In Device File, correct Volume Set field also by stuffing
- Kill ^%ZTSK and ^%ZTSCH. Reindex the Option Scheduling file (all indices)
- Fix the RPMS Site file. Set OS to DOS
- In CIA LISTENER file, correct UCI.
- In XUP, go to CIANB MAIN MENU, edit the CIA broker package parameters and remove old UCI and put new one.
- Start the listener.
- In BMXMENU, edit all the ports to have a correct namespace, and then start all of them.
- In the portal, go to system services and enable telnet.
- Go to XUP, and add yourself as a user.
- Find your DUZ
- Give yourself the "@"
- Assign yourself all the keys in the universe by D ^AKMOSUSR
- Make a folder where your ehr client will reside. Share that folder with read access to all users.
- Find lastest major version of EHR (currently 1.1) and double click on the exe and extract the files to folder you just created.
- In the resulting dialog, put the UNC path of the shared folder in the first box; in the last box, add /trace to enable tracing by default (for developers).
- Install EHR 1.1 patch 1
- Install EHR 1.1 patch 4. It contains the last license (the permanent one).
- Edit the VueCentric Framework defaults. In XUP, choose CIAV MANAGER
- Choose site parameter edit
- Object source path is the UNC to your lib folder
- You may choose to change the default VueCentric Template now or later
Stuff to do later... There is so much set-up you can work on. Here are some things that are needed:
- *Add Mailman Domain; Christen; have Kernel point to it.
- *Add Institution; Set-up Medical Center Division to point to it; have Kernel point to default division.
- *Setup Backup and Journalling in Cache/Ensemble.