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NUMBER: 97 NAME: TIU CREATE Record TAG: MAKE ROUTINE: TIUSRVP RETURN VALUE TYPE: SINGLE VALUE AVAILABILITY: SUBSCRIPTION DESCRIPTION: This remote procedure allows the creation of TIU DOCUMENT Records. INPUT PARAMETER: DFN PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: YES DESCRIPTION: This REQUIRED PARAMETER is the pointer to the patient file. INPUT PARAMETER: TITLE PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: YES DESCRIPTION: This is the pointer to the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE which identifies the TITLE of the document to be filed. INPUT PARAMETER: VDT PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: NO DESCRIPTION: This optional parameter is the Date/time of visit. If the parameter VSIT is present, this will be ignored. Otherwise, the RPC will attempt to generate a match with a visit based on DFN, VDT, and VLOC (visit location). In the event that the RPC cannot generate such a match, a new EVENT-type Visit will be created with the current date/time. INPUT PARAMETER: VLOC PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: NO DESCRIPTION: This optional parameter is the Location of Visit (e.g., Cardiology Clinic). It is a pointer to Hospital location (File #44). INPUT PARAMETER: VSIT PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: NO DESCRIPTION: This is a pointer to the Visit File (#9000010) entry for the visit to which the document is to be linked. INPUT PARAMETER: TIUX PARAMETER TYPE: LIST REQUIRED: YES DESCRIPTION: This is the input array in which the identifiers of the document, as well as its text, are to be stored in the format described for the TIU UPDATE Record RPC. INPUT PARAMETER: VSTR PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL REQUIRED: NO DESCRIPTION: This parameter identifies the visit location, date/time, and Service Category (Hospitalization, Ambulatory, Telecommunications, or Event ( Historical)) in the form of a semi-colon delimited string (e.g., "469;2970616.1415;A"). INPUT PARAMETER: SUPPRESS PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH: 1 REQUIRED: NO SEQUENCE NUMBER: 8 DESCRIPTION: BOOLEAN flag indicating whether or not to suppress execution of the COMMIT Action for the document in question. This gives the calling Application control over the circumstances in which the COMMIT CODE should be executed. INPUT PARAMETER: NOASF PARAMETER TYPE: LITERAL MAXIMUM DATA LENGTH: 1 REQUIRED: NO SEQUENCE NUMBER: 9 DESCRIPTION: This parameter can optionally be set to 1 to indicate the ASAVE cross-reference in the TIU Document file (#8925) should not be set when calling this RPC. The intent of this cross-reference is for telnet type sessions where a user could be dropped. The cross-reference is used to provide the user with an easy way to resume editing the TIU Document they were working on when they were dropped. In the Clinical Procedures realm, for example, where the stub is created in the 'background' this cross-reference should not be set since the user is not interactively involved in the creation of the Record. RETURN PARAMETER DESCRIPTION: If the call is successful, this will be the Record number (IEN) of the resulting entry in the TIU DOCUMENT FILE (#8925). In the event of a filing error, the first "^"-piece will be zero, and the second "^"-piece of this scalar return variable will be a textual message describing the nature of the error (e.g., 0^Invalid TITLE Selected.").