Talk:OpenSolaris zones

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Butch -- you should clean up this page.

It's quite rambling and repetitive.

Whittle, Whitby, whittle!

Quoting your response to Dr Watson:

"Don't use "I" or "you," especially "you should." It is pedantic and preachy and is a sin that exists uniquely in American speech patterns. Be cognizant that your method works for you and is primarily a suggestion; someone else may have found a better method. Conversely, don't be self-deprecating ("this works for me"). Just put down the advice without qualifiers and let other contributors edit it as necessary. Wikis are not like the US Congress (where posturing trumps results and very little of substance gets done). "

Thank you for your input. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Perhaps if you feel it's "rambling and repetitive" then you should contribute to the document and edit the page as you see fit? This is a wiki after all, and changes are welcome. I'm not gonna pack up my toys and go home if you edit my work.

After having this article positively reviewed by 2 engineers at Sun Microsystems, 1 engineer from Oracle, and members of the OpenSolaris community I see little need to change it. Further after putting this document in the hands of several computer novices who have followed it without me having to hold their hand, I see even less need to change it.

However from this point forward, lest we begin to look like we are trolling each other we should move all further interactions to personal email. Vistapedia, is a place for factual writings, not personal opinions or debates. We have the forums for that. We should do our part to maintain that standard. Being that you are the first person within the community to directly address this writing I look forward to talking with you further in the future.

-- Butch