Volunteer Action List

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The Volunteer Action List is a list of known tasks that are available to people who wish to volunteer to do something to help the VistA Community. The List is broken down into several parts.


The Technical List is of things that would probably be best accomplished by someone who is a programmer or knows the in-depth structure of a VistA system.


The Administrative List is of things that someone who is understands details and organizational structure.


The Development List is of things that require someone who knows the particular subject matter well, and can work on some of the design and requirements of developing something in VistA.

Wiki Pages

  • Someone who can figure out how to tie our main website to the wiki page:Current_events (via an HTML redirect perhaps?)
    • this might take PHP coding,
    • but might just be in the manual somewhere,
    • maybe just embedding the proper HTML code in the page.


The Documentation List is of things that require grammatical and syntactic specialties.

Wiki Pages

The following pages could be expanded quite a bit: