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The Education & Training Working Group is now planning for the 1st WorldVistA Learning Conference and Seminar in 2007.

1st WorldVistA Learning Conference and Seminar

Location: RMU Campus, Moon Township, PA (near Pittsburgh Int'l Airport)
Conference Course Dates: Monday March 5 through Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Persons involved in setup, Saturday, March 3 and Sunday, March 4.

Lodging: Holiday Inn Pittsburgh Airport, 8256 University Blvd, Moon Township, PA 15108-2591; Phone 1 412 262 3600, Fax: 1 412 631 1355; Toll-free: 1 800 333 4835 See: http://www.hipittsburgh.com/ and identify group as RMU-WorldVistA Conference Site: Sewall Conference Center on RMU Moon Township Campus. The Holiday Inn will provide complimentary shuttle service to and from Pittsburgh International Airport and to and from the RMU Sewall Center. Conference Dates: March 5 through March 7, 2007; group rate ($79.00 + tax per night) available beginning March 3 to accommodate staff and presenters (and early arrivers).

The conference agenda includes the following topics:

Software Lifecycle and Community Structure
Patient Safety and Confidentiality
Basic VOE System Management
Installing and Configuring VistA-Office EHR
CPRS Cover Sheet 
CPRS Meds Tab
CPRS Orders Tab
CPRS Notes Tab
CPRS Reports Tab
CPRS Health Summary
CPRS Problem List
CPRS Text Integration Utility progress notes
Mumps Pocket Tour – Most Important Syntax
VA FileMan
Infrastructure for Users
Linux Fundamentals (LNX-100)

Planning Committee: Becky Monroe, Maggie Anderson, Mark Amundson, Dave Whitten, Joe Tastrom, Nancy Anthracite, Rick Marshall, Valerie Harvey (Ed Team Chair). Please send recommendations and questions to Valerie Harvey <harvey@rmu.edu>; phone: 412-262-8467, fax: 412-397-2481, or to other planning committee members.

See VSA entry below for VSA events.

Interested/Participating Institutions and Program Examples:

1. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

1.1. 1027-305 M Programming (in Biomedical Computing Program): http://www.rit.edu/~676www/Courses/z-1027-305.html; for information contact Prof. Nicolas Thireos nat4087@rit.edu ; description: “An in-depth study of the M programming language and its database capabilities. Programming projects are required and are taken from the health care field. Direct mode, local/global/special variables, commands, arguments, operators, writing and executing routines, M editors, screen/printer formatting, string manipulation, pattern matching, concatenation, arrays and trees, multilevel and string subscripts, input/output using devices, cross reference files, indirection.”

2. University of Washington (UW)

2.1. HIA 420 Health Care Computer Systems and Electronic Health Records; for information contact Gretchen Murphy, RHIA gcmurphy@u.washington.edu; comments: “We have explored a couple of ways to use VistA. Students have worked with loading the software, setting up user accounts and working through a set of questions to identify the scope and functionality of VistA. Because the students in this program are trained as health information administrators, we focus on how they will use VistA to meet the basic business needs - documenting care, transferring information for care, identifying designated data sets for other information purposes, and the like. Next winter I will be teaching an adaptation of this course for the School of Nursing Clinical Informatics and Patient Centered Technology master's program. For program, see: http://www.onlinelearning.washington.edu/edp/majors/health_courses.asp

2.2. EHR Web Site: http://www.ehrweb.org/ Created by the Division of Information Technology and Research (DITR) of the Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, which hosts this site and collaborates with the Health Information Administration Program of the University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine. Its purpose is to educate and inform health professional disciplines about the origins, structure and intended uses of the Electronic Health Record in the unified support of both patient care and resource management within healthcare. This site also cooperates with the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Laboratory Information Systems and Medical Informatics Division. For information, contact Arden Forrey, UW School of Dentistry.

3. University of Pittsburgh

3.1. HRS 1490/2490 EHR Technology for the Health and Rehabilitation Professional; for information contact Prof. Valerie Watzlaf, RHIA valgeo@pitt.edu; web site for Prof. Valerie Watzlaf: http://www.shrs.pitt.edu/CMS/School/Faculty_Bio.asp?id=85

4. Robert Morris University (RMU)

4.1. INFS3140, M Programming – For information, contact Prof. Don Caputo caputo@rmu.edu ; search RMU website at http://www.rmu.edu

4.2. INFS3141, Advanced M and Caché ObjectScript Programming – For information, contact Prof. Valerie J. Harvey harvey@rmu.edu ; search RMU website at http://www.rmu.edu

5. George Mason University (GMU)

5.1. HSCI 740, Management of Health Information Systems – For information, contact Prof. Farrokh Alemi; comments: this course is an introduction to electronic health Records and uses VistA to demonstrate the concepts. The course web page is at http://hsci.gmu.edu/740 ; a course description, the syllabus and most lectures are posted at this web site.

6. University of Hawaii (UH); Contact. Prof. Lingaton kaina@tipg.net , Soc. Sci. Research Institute.

6.1. Telecommunications and Policy Group (TIPG): VistA Institute; see http://vistainstitute.com

6.2. Course 2

6.3. Course 3

6.4. Course 4

7. Shepherd University

7.1. Courses in planning (health informatics, EHR); for information contact Prof. Peter Groen.

8. University of California at Davis (UC-Davis) Medical Informatics (MDI)

8.1. MDI 215. Beginning and Intermediate Programming in M (MUMPS) Online lecture--10 hours. See [1]

9. University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL); contact Scott Sittig, RHIA.

Commercial Sources of Education/Training

1. InterSystems Corporation, Cambridge, MA: http://www.intersystems.com/

1.1 To be added

2. ESI Technology Corporation

2.1 See [2] for course listings.

3. Healthcare Informatics Technology Services, Inc., Bremerton, WA:

3.1 M and VA FileMan boot camps in January 2007; Rodney H. Kay, ; see [3] E-mail address: kaycom@yahoo.com

Other Resources

1. Vista Software Alliance (VSA) See http://www.vistasoftware.org/; contact: Marlene Jones, Executive Director or Claudine Beron;

Publications Projects

1. VistA Life Cycle: Rick Marshall, Sushil Acharya, Dave Whitten

2. VistA Textbook: Dave Whitten

3. FileMan Paper: Cameron Schlehuber, George Timson, Augie Turano, Valerie Harvey

4. M Textbook: Gretchen Bradfield, Valerie Harvey

To contribute to or make recommendations for any of these projects, please contact one or more of the authors.

VistA Resources (Books, Papers, Presentations); VistA recognition: http://home.earthlink.net/~inforef/VistAResources.htm

Please send information for this page to Valerie J. Harvey, R.T.(R), Ph.D., Computer & Information Systems, Robert Morris University: harvey@rmu.edu, Chair, WorldVistA Software Development Education Team