Installation How To VistA GT.M Linux

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Setting up GT.M and the environment (vs. configuring VistA itself)


You will need Xdialog on your PC for this approach.

Download an OpenVistA SemiVivA file from WorldVistA (either OpenVistA SemiVivA 0.4 or OpenVistA SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050212), say to /Distrib/OpenVistA. The following will install GT.M and OpenVistA (replace the filename in the second line with appropriate name of downloaded file):

su -

tar zxvf /Distrib/OpenVistA/OpenVistASemiVivAFOIAGold20050212.tgz

Assuming your userid is "vista" as the normal user vista, execute:

/usr/local/OpenVistA/vista --install /home/vista/myVistA/OpenVistA

(or other desired location) and reply in the affirmative when you are prompted about creating directories. Subsequently, to run it, just execute:

/usr/local/OpenVistA/vista --run /home/vista/myVistA/OpenVistA

---K.S. Bhaskar