TRPCBroker Component
Parent Class
TRPCBroker = class(TComponent)
The TRPCBroker component (Trpcb.pas) provides VistA application developers with all of the client/server-related functionality in one integrated component. Using the TRPCBroker component, an application can connect to the VistA M Server by simply setting the Connected property to True. Remote procedures on the server can be executed by preparing the Param and RemoteProcedure properties and invoking either the Call, strCall or lstCall methods. The TRPCBroker component can be found on the Kernel tab in the component palette.
Properties inherited from the parent component (i.e., TComponent) are not discussed in this Help file (only those properties added to the parent component are described). For help on inherited properties, please see Delphi's documentation on the parent component (i.e., TComponent).