RPC HELP TRPCBroker Call Method

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Call Method


Applies to

   TRPCBroker component


   procedure Call;


This method executes a remote procedure on the VistA M Server and returns the results in the Results property. Call expects the name of the remote procedure and its parameters to be set up in the RemoteProcedure and Param properties respectively. If ClearResults is True, then the Results property is cleared before the call. If ClearParameters is True, then the Param property is cleared after the call finishes.

NOTE: See RPC Limits for information about the size of parameters and results that can be passed to and returned from the TRPCBroker component.

NOTE: Whenever the Broker makes a call to the VistA M Server, if the cursor is crDefault, the cursor is automatically changed to the hourglass symbol as seen in other Microsoft-compliant software. If the application has already modified the cursor from crDefault to something else, the Broker will not change the cursor.

NOTE: For a demonstration using the Call method, please run the BrokerExample.EXE located in the ..\BDK32\Samples\BrokerEx directory.