RPC HELP Tutorial Step 6

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Tutorial: Step 6 -- Call ZxxxTT LIST RPC

Now that you have created and tested the ZxxxTT LIST RPC on the VistA M Server, you can use your Delphi-based application's TRPCBroker component to call that RPC.

To call the ZxxxTT LIST RPC from your Delphi-based application to populate a list box:

  • Place a TListBox component on your form. It should be automatically named ListBox1.
    • Size it so that it uses the full width of the form, and half of the form's height.
  • Place a button beneath ListBox1.
    • Set its caption to 'Retrieve Terminal Types'.
    • Size the button so that it is larger than its caption.
  • Double-click on the button. This creates an event handler procedure, TForm1.Button1Click, in your Pascal source code.
  • In the TForm1.Button1Click event handler, add code to call the ZxxxTT LIST RPC and populate the list box with the retrieved list of terminal type entries. This code should:
    • Set RCPBroker1's RemoteProcedure property to ZxxxTT LIST.
    • Call brkrRPCBroker1's Call method (in a try...except exception handler block) to invoke that RPC.
    • Retrieve results from brkrRPCBroker1's Results property, setting them one-by-one into the list box's Items property.

This code should look as follows:

   Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
     i: integer;
     brkrRPCBroker1.RemoteProcedure:='ZxxxTT LIST';
       {call begin}
         for i:=0 to (brkrRPCBroker1.Results.Count-1) do
       end;  {call end}
       On EBrokerError do begin
         ShowMessage('A problem was encountered communicating with the server.');
     end;  {try end}
  • Include the MFunStr unit in the Uses clause of your project's Pascal source file. This enables your application to use the piece function included in mfunstr. Editor's note -- this is found in the BDK 'Source' folder.
  • Your user account must have XUPROGMODE key assigned. This allows your application to execute any RPC, without the RPC being registered. Later in the tutorial you will register your RPCs.
  • Now run your application, and press the Retrieve Terminal Types button. It should retrieve and display terminal type entries, and appear as follows:

Now that you can retrieve a list of terminal type entries, the next logical task is to retrieve a particular entry when a user selects that entry in the list box.

PREV: Step 5: RPC To List Terminal Types

NEXT: Step 7: Associate IENs